CIRCADIAN RHYTHM: From Improving Your Grades to Curing Cancer!

The breakthrough in understanding circadian rhythm that has a far-reaching impact, from making you the class topper to fighting cancer! Have you ever wondered why heart attack mostly occurs in the mornings, Olympic records are broken in the afternoon and even my grandma’s asthma peaks at dawn? The answer lies in decoding these facts and to do so you need to read on. … Continue readingCIRCADIAN RHYTHM: From Improving Your Grades to Curing Cancer!

Story of The Black and White Devils – Mucormycosis

Recently, the news channels and social media platforms have been going on trending with the advent of a so-called, “new epidemic” in the middle of the CoViD-19 pandemic. It is supposedly a deadly infection caused by black and white fungi. But what really is a “black fungus” and a “white fungus” and what causes them to infect a patient? Is it deadlier than CoViD19? What do we know about it, who should worry and what is the treatment? Find an answer to all these questions in the blog. … Continue readingStory of The Black and White Devils – Mucormycosis