CHEMICAL LEDs – An enlightened world

We see a vivid array of colours and lights around us in day-to-day life, and chemistry, as a matter of fact, has given us an unparalleled insight to get a feel of this brilliant colour show of Nature inside the laboratories, which has satisfied the chemists from ages. But have we thought about the concept of chemical compounds emitting light? … Continue readingCHEMICAL LEDs – An enlightened world


The accidental discovery of penicillin by Alexander Fleming changed the course of mankind. However it has been estimated that by 2050, 10 million worldwide deaths could result from antibiotic-resistance bacteria. So, how do antibiotics resist the super-bugs? Read the blog to know in details … Continue readingANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE AND WAYS TO TACKLE SUPER-BUGS

Interdisciplinary Science And How It Can Help In Modelling Biological Systems

How the paradigm of science is changing with time is something really exciting. Do you know why? Continue reading to find how overlapping the practice of science can be and how it can open up enormous possibilities. … Continue readingInterdisciplinary Science And How It Can Help In Modelling Biological Systems